Monday 4 June 2012

Banpo Bridge Rainbow Fountain

 A couple of weeks ago Chelsea and I decided to check out the Banpo bridge fountain. There are 27 bridges across the Han river, but on this one in particular every night there is a colourful water show. We'd been meaning to go for a while and decided to be proactive one Wednesday evening before we ended up leaving it too long and missing it! Dongjak station is the nearest subway stop so we met there and found a spot to have our picnic tea as we watched a beautiful sunset across the river. As the time came closer we watched the bridge closely. At 8.05 we wondered when the show would start. I glanced at the next bridge along and joked 'Wouldn't it be funny if it was actually that bridge?!' As I looked more closely I realised that shooting out of the next bridge were streams of water and bright colours. We were at the wrong bridge. Thankfully there was another show at 9pm so we wandered down and managed to catch the next show. It was a sight to see, music playing as the water flowed in different ways and bright colours changing. It's hailed as the longest fountain on a bridge in the world. After it was finished we wandered back to dongjak station and home. A crisis averted and another thing ticked off my list.

Picnic tea

Found some cider at home plus!

Waiting for the show, Namsan Tower in the distance

 and I took a little video too...

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  1. Lovely, wish the video had been longer. Ongar seems very dull by comparison, although our steam train is running again whoo whoo!!

  2. Seriously! Three times I visited that Bridge last summer - but thanks to that horrible rain we had they cancelled the show! Something to do with the water levels of the Han. It remains on my list for this summer! M x
