Thursday 22 June 2017

Wandering Lately :: April/May

Well, I have not done very well with this recently... but I want to get this post out before the end of June to get back on track (and also to stop my mum going on about new posts!)

So, here are my wandering for April & May!


The nice weather hit London and I happened to have a meeting out of the office one of the sunny days, so I was quite chuffed with that! Whenever I have to get to tube during work hours I'm always surprised how busy it is - not rush hour busy but still. I suppose this is other people heading to work related things (and tourists) but still interesting to see how many people are using the tube in the daytime!

I also headed to Brighton in May, and we were incredibly lucky with the weather. I didn't take many photos as I've been so many times before. Always impressed by the Pavilion no matter how many times I visit though!

London Marathon

The London Marathon route passes very close to our house, so my housemate and I decided to head out for a little bit to cheer on the runners. Very impressed by all of those running as it's such an achievement; and even more so to all of those people running in crazy costumes!


My brother put on a gig this May, and we all headed down to the Beehive in Bow to watch his music video and listen to some of his songs. The room was quite small so it was a very intimate gig but we all had fun. Hear more of his stuff here.


I think Brenda from Bristol spoke for most of the country after Theresa May called her snap general election, which aimed to secure her a greater majority and succeeded in ruining her political reputation and ending up with a hung parliament. For some reason the Liberal Democrats decided to inundate me with leaflets canvassing for my vote practically daily much to my annoyance. Since this started to get out of hand, I took the decision to keep all of their letters and pamphlets and sent them back to them just before the election asking to be taken off the mailing list. In any event, their aggressive campaign was unsuccessful as Labour was voted in again in our borough.

Cooking Success

After my disastrous  first attempt at these pancakes, it turns out that it was in fact the dodgy pan I was using that made them such a failure as we invested in a new frying pan and I gave them another go to the above triumph! However, the peanut butter sauce that you see above did end up burning in the microwave when I tried warming it up a second time. Opps.

Bike Rides

In May I finally decided to join one of the Southwark Cyclists 'healthy rides' and since then I have joined on a few different bike rides around southwark/south-east London on a Saturday morning. I first heard about these from a lady who was volunteering in the Surrey Docks Farm Shop but it took me quite a while to actually join in a ride. I'm really enjoying them though and an planning to head off on another this Saturday which is going to Brixton to search for some street art. It's nice to get out on my bike, particularly in the nice weather, and it not being just to get to/from work.


I attempted to grow things in our garden again... since I took these photos the sunflowers have all died and the green house was knocked over in the wind so I lost at least one of the tomato plants. Fingers crossed for the rest of them though!

Bank Holiday

Of course the bank holiday was full of rubbish weather. On the Monday I spent the afternoon with my housemate in our living room reading our books. Not exactly exciting but very relaxing!
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting... more please Ruthie!! I didn't mean to remove the previous comment, I thought I'd posted twice :-)
