Sunday 16 August 2020

Wanderings Lately :: June & July

Here you go mum!

June and July flew past, all mostly spent inside our flat and the furthest I've been is Wandsworth Common (excluding one surprise trip to Essex).


My sewing machine arrived at the beginning of June, which was exciting and transformed lockdown time!

First sewing project was a curtain for our bathroom. One of the windows isn't frosted and I've had a towel hanging from the tension rod for the first year of living her. So first thing to sew was the curtain from seahorse fabric. Quite basic but I am still quite chuffed with this one!

First clothes item was this 'vivien' dress. It turned out ok, and I am pleased with the zip insertion but I actually don't really love wearing it and the fabric is quite stiff so it's not particularly comfortable. I made quite a few mistakes with this too, but it's all part of the process and the only way to improve so chalking that down to experience.

These last two months I have also developed a bit of an obsession with buying fabric online. I have now restricted myself to not buying any new fabric until I have used some in the cupboard!

With left over fabric I made a few reusable kitchen towels. The poundshop towel hasn't washed very well, so I am now reassessing how to re-hem to stop it disintergrating in the washing machine.

Most pleased with these shorts. They are definitely not perfect, and close up I can see bits where the sewing isn't great or seams are likely to come apart a bit, BUT they fit well and from a distance they look ok. So that's a big win. They were definitely not a suitable project for a beginner sewist!


Made some bread, made some cake!

Brunch at our local cafe. They have closed the road to pedestrianise it, which is nice generally because there's less traffic but this is also so that restaurants can put more seating outside. So this was a nice sunny brunch in the middle of the road!

Got dressed up for our first evening meal out for 5 months!

Friday night fish and chips!


When you leave the house for a run and then see this sky at the end of the road...

Wet, wet, wet.

And finally

This pigeon likes to wash in the puddles on the top of the house next door to us. For obvious reasons he's not been there recently, but there was slightly more rain in June/July and he became my unofficial colleague.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank-you Ruthie!! You've made good use of the sewing machine, love the sundress! The shorts are great too and will be great for your holiday which I hope we will see in the next blog. x
