Tuesday 14 February 2012

We are the winners!

Yes, It's official! My students won the Oxford 'Everybody up' sing along competition for Korea! So in June,songwriters Devon Thagard and Grammy award-winner (ooh!) Julie Gold are going to come to our school and give a workshop for all the students! I'm really proud (of myself and well as my students!) Check out this website!

We will also be in with a chance of winning a place on a teachers workshop in Oxford in the summer. It's for non-native speakers so my Co-teacher would benefit from it, and I really hope we get picked because she really deserves to win. I've had quite a few different co-teachers since working out here and of them only two have actually shown any drive or ambition for training and developing their teaching. So please keep your fingers crossed that we are the also the winners of the Grand Prize!

 Here is the video again (just incase you haven't seen it already!)

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